What’s today? It’s CHOOSEDAY. Today’s twitter question from Mr_TREAD was:


Sean Badenhorst@Mr_TREAD


Had a collarbone break repaired with a plate? What’s the best option – leave it in or have it removed?



Plenty of replies of which the opinion seems to be very even between the two options. These key factors were clear:

  • If it bothers you, have it removed
  • If you intend to continue mountain biking for a long time still, have it removed
  • Depends on the individual case. Some can leave it, while others shouldn’t
  • If the crash crash that caused the break was your own fault, do a TREAD Skills Clinic (okay, we added that one in)

We pasted most of the replies below in case you’re really interested in who tweeted what within 140 characters…

Neil Cable ‏‪@Palutiembe


‪@Mr_TREAD:Fall with it in – potential injury to adjacent structures+ worse fractures = get a new one.Fall with it out = get a new one!



‪@Mr_TREAD I have one in for almost 3 years now, doctor said just leave it in!

Richard Schroder@RichSch


‪@Mr_TREAD ask ‪@wendzh – she’s a Physio and has seen a fair number of collar bone patients. Wendy: leave plate in or take out?

Bruce Diesel ‏‪@brucediesel


‪@NeilFrazer ‪@Mr_TREAD  I was warned that plate is close to subclavian artery and could injure the artery if involved in another crash.

Kevin Evans@kevinevansracin


‪@nvlaming ‪@dinolloyd ‪@Mr_TREAD if u crash and break it only every 10yrs, it can stay.;)

Neil Frazer@NeilFrazer


‪@brucediesel: ‪@Mr_TREAD very dangerous to leave it in” not what my Orthopod said, said required additional strength and risks minimal

Gerhard Myburgh@gmyburgh


‪@Mr_TREAD mine is still in and doc said if it doesn’t bother you leave it

Neil Vlaming ‏‪@nvlaming


‪@dinolloyd ‪@Mr_TREAD was advised to remove if still riding.Titanium stronger than bone,compounds possible 2nd break.Ask ‪@kevinevansracin

Stuart Hamilton@StuHam


‪@MikePosthumus ‪@Mr_TREAD interesting! I wrongly thought it would be stronger with the plate in, hence leave it in while racing

Jason Geldenhuys@JasonGeldenhuy1


‪@meurant ‪@Mr_TREAD ‪@cranknews Haha! 29er breaks are always more severe!

‘Dino’ Lloyd ‏‪@dinolloyd


‪@Mr_TREAD Think it’s dependent on the individual’s case. Mine had knitted before a decision could be made, opted not to re-break and operate

mike brunke@brunkem61


‪@NeilFrazer ‪@Mr_TREAD had mine removed – falling on a plated shoulder could be bleak

Bruce Diesel ‏‪@brucediesel


‪@Mr_TREAD very dangerous to leave it in

Meurant Botha@meurant


‪@Mr_TREAD Depends. Did you break the bone on a 26 or 29’er? Got my coat… ‪@cranknews

Crank Cycling News ‏‪@cranknews


‪@Mr_TREAD have it removed, can be horrible if you fall on that side again. Bone will break next to plate, hard to repair.

Deon Kruger@kindhuman1


‪@NeilFrazer ‪@mr_tread leave it in.

Ricky Asher ‏‪@asher_ricky


‪@AlbeGeldenhuys ‪@Mr_TREAD It might not look pretty bent 🙂 Just don’t fall.

Anna Maria Herselman ‏‪@Drhersel


‪@Mr_TREAD  advice from the shoulder surgeon I work with: if it’s not bothering you, leave it in

Gareth Powell ‏‪@gj__powell


‪@Mr_TREAD – leave it in. When the alarm goes off on the metal detectors at the airport, just scream “damn you abs of steel”.

Dr Jarrad VZ@jarradvz


‪@Mr_TREAD give up all riding and wrap yourself in cotton-wool before venturing out of the house?



‪@Mr_TREAD had a plate in for last 2 years. Will remove it asap. You feel it all the time with safety belt, carry packs, scuffles & hugs!

Waylon Woolcock@WaylonWoolcock


‪@Mr_TREAD from what I’ve heard it’s best to have it removed. The plate causes bigger issues if you break it again.

A Bayliss-Lane ‏‪@a_baylisslane


‪@Mr_TREAD not sure of the answer, but believe the process is more pain full than inserting it

Stu Rawlinson@edgartheathlete


‪@Mr_TREAD Had mine removed on the advice of ortho’s that also ride. Never looked back. I don’t think there is definitive evidence either way

Tony Huglin ‏‪@tonyhuglin


‪@Mr_TREAD I’ve had a plate in for the past 25+ years, has never bothered me.

Neil Frazer@NeilFrazer


‪@Mr_TREAD: Had a collarbone break repaired with a plate? What’s the best option – leave in, have it removed?” Happy with my Ti componentary

Michael Posthumus@MikePosthumus


‪@Mr_TREAD Continuing high risk sport? Take out. Not continuing high risk? Leave it

Bennie Pienaar ‏‪@BenniePienaar

Protected account


‪@PelotrainRacing ‪@Mr_TREAD as per my earlier tweet my son is having issues and would prefer to have had it out so would agree with John!

John Wakefield ‏‪@PelotrainRacing


.‪@Mr_TREAD Have it removed can and often causes complications later on. Ive seen some horrors when crashes cause plate to bend.

Bennie Pienaar ‏‪@BenniePienaar

Protected account


‪@Mr_TREAD my son has broken both, one was taken out (as he was still quite young) and the other has been left in but he says it bugs him now

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