The Spruit is almost spent! Johannesburg’s expansive and popular recreational urban trails network is almost out of cash. Without some urgent and consistent funding, The Spruit as we know it will be gone. Nigel Laver, General Manager of Jozi Trails, explains what’s needed for the rescue.
Contrary to popular belief, the stuff that gets maintained, fixed and or updated on the infamous Braamfontein Spruit isn’t done by Faeries and magic dust. Yes, you are correct, there was a day (before Jozi Trails was formed as an organisation and in the wake of JUMA/JURA events in 2018) when there were actual Spruit Fairies that did all the work we all so enjoyed on the trails as if it was magic. On any weekend something might have broke, the next weekend it was fixed and in most cases, better. Amazing.
Believe it or not, with Joburg’s mass exodus to the Western Cape trails networks, some of the original Faeries do still exist and still make many improvements throughout the 37km inner city trail network that spreads from Emmarentia to Paulshoff (including the dogleg to Alberts Farm ).
Over the last five years, since Jozi Trails was formalised, the Non-Profit Company has an entire team on the ground (and behind the computers) that can be seen somewhere on the trail network five days a week: cutting grass, digging trenches, diverting waterflow, smoothing out trails, cutting up fallen trees, sweeping leaves, placing signs, pushing back paths, riding the trails, manning gazebo’s at Park Runs and markets, walking and riding around in pink High-Vis vests to keep an eye out and even repairing existing bridges when they burn away from mysterious veld fires. All in aid of the community of Joburg, so they can enjoy the walking, running and cycle paths available to them at their doorstep.
Jozi Trails is a recognised partner of JCPZ and we are mandated to work within the framework of the city by-laws and environmental impact parameters. I know every young gun with a jump bike and a spade wants to dig and build stuff, but you just can’t, not without permission. If you want to “work” or contribute time and energy, contact us – we’ll put you on our WhatsApp task force for future builds. Thank you for your passion, ENJOY YOUR RIDE.
Calling all business owners who enjoy the trails, we know you’ve ridden here for FREE for the past X decades. We need you, we need your clout (AKA money). Adopt a km or more. Adopt yours TODAY
Trail users, yeah, we’re looking at you too trail runners, we have an ambitious project to create a subscription model BUT… hold on, before you scream out loud in protest. We’re working on ways to give you back equal in your donation – DETAILS TO FOLLOW.
The short story is – JOZI TRAILS NEEDS YOUR HELP (FINANCIALLY) please. Either you directly, or if you know someone who knows someone who can/wants to help us out. Imagine your favourite trails without our input. Thanking you in advance.