Nestled in the heart of Mpumalanga, Mankele is a beloved adventure destination near the Sudwala Caves and situated alongside the Houtbosloop River. Set in an indigenous forest, the diverse terrain offers a combination of open grasslands, mountains, valleys, and river frontage, resplendent with breathtaking views and a rich habitat for bird and animal life.
Paid partnership with Sappi
A haven for cyclists, runners, and nature enthusiasts, it’s no wonder Mankele was once rated as one of South Africa’s top trails, second only to the magnificent Karkloof trails in KZN. Like many hospitality ventures, Mankele faced challenges during the Covid pandemic, with management changes causing it to lose some of its charm and lustre.
However, the good news is that 2D Adventures has partnered with Mankele, and over the past year, the new team has worked diligently to restore the trail network. Initially focusing on the Sappi Mankele Challenge race routes and the shorter, family-friendly routes around the camp and park areas, the team has now expanded their efforts to include longer routes. Riders, runners, and walkers are once again rediscovering this iconic venue and trail system.
The trails currently available include:
50km Sappi Extreme Trail
For adrenaline junkies looking to test their endurance, the Extreme Velocity Trail provides an exhilarating ride with challenging climbs and fast downhills. Strap in for an unforgettable experience on this natural roller coaster.
35km Sappi Enduro Explorer Trail
Designed for riders seeking a perfect balance of technical challenges and breathtaking scenery, this trail winds through beautiful landscapes and natural features that will test your skills.
10km Mankele In House Red Trail
Perfect for mountain bikers of all abilities.This loop offers a technical singletrack experience, punctuated by steep climbs, exhilarating down hills, drops and rock gardens. Parts of this route are used in the Mpumalanga XCO mountain bike competition.
5km Mankele In House Blue Trail
A great introduction to singletrack mountain biking and perfect for the whole family. This track incorporates sections from the red trail but has options for those that want a less technically demanding experience. This route can be reduced to a leisurely ride alongside the river making it an ideal choice for families and riders of all skill levels.
These trails are also suitable for running and walking. Bird enthusiasts can look out for species like the Narina Trogon and Golden-tailed Woodpecker around the camp area.
In addition to superb riding, running, walking and birding, Mankele offers a range of accommodation options from camping to glamping and self-catering log cabins nestled in the thick indigenous forest. Other facilities include swimming pools for those hot summer days, a river and fully licensed café which serves delicious meals.
The nearby Sudwala Caves, dinosaur park and zipline provide another set of super cool activities for everyone and are well worth a visit or two.
Mankele is a great choice for families looking to escape for the weekend or for longer periods during the holidays. For more information visit – or contact Shane on shane@mankele or 078 801 0453.