Stage 1 at the 2017 ABSA Cape Epic, and there was lots of nervous energy and excitement trail side. We visited a few water points and spectator points on today’s circular route that started and finished in the coastal town of Hermans. These mums, were incredibly positive and eager to tell us there stories.
Mum working at the Epic: Annet Theuns from the Netherlands assisting at the rider’s feed station at Water Point 2, stage 1. Their days are long and full, from being on the route from dawn until after lunch. Travelling back to the race village to start preparing 4000 “bidons” for the next day. This is her first time working on the Epic and her husband Enrico is competing in the event (Team 233), Annet has two adult children at home.Mum supporting at the EPIC: Cindy Rebello was trail side anxiously awaiting her son Dylan, team 23-2. It’s his first Epic, but they are not new to the event as she has supported her husband, Wayne at four Epics. Cindy feels it is a lot more nerve-wracking supporting her son, who is in the UCI race category, as there seems to be a lot more red tape when the riders are at the top end of the race.
Mum riding the EPIC: Marie Claude Baars-Respinguet (Team 176). Marie is riding her first Epic. At the end of her Stage 1, a smile was no problem. This mum of four, ages 18 to 24 (including a special needs child), has only been riding for six years. Marie has done a few multi-stage events, but says this is way tougher than the rest. Marie originates from Switzerland but currently lives in New Zealand. We wish her luck on her maiden Epic ride.