How so much can happen in eight days is difficult to comprehend. There were so many extremes, from weather conditions (4 deg C to over 40 dec C), emotional highs and lows (seeing riders you know succeed one day then struggle the next); and this year being most evident, the privileged VIPs vs. average Joes crew/staff treatment. It was just like being part of an enormous dysfunctional family for the week. But despite the extremes and different roles we all played, on some level we were all connected.

Our final post for the Mums at the EPIC features two ladies that are no strangers to the event. A mum supporting, Ingrid Taylor; and a mum riding, her daughter Cherise Willeit.
Ingrid for the most part was calm and composed, but as we were waiting at the finish for Cherise, and the clock kept ticking she became more and more anxious. “She should have been in by now”. But Cherise was just fine.
Cherise and her teammate, Mikayla Webb (Team 59), were one of many teams riding for a cause. With Cherise being so well known at the Epic (her late husband, Burry Stander is the only South African to have won the race overall), their charity CANSAactiveILoveBoobies received plenty of coverage.
The highlight for Ingrid was seeing her daughter cross the line and being able to spend time with her grandson Thomas, while the highlight for Cherise was crossing the line and being re-united with baby Thomas, who has become a big part of her life.
So thats a wrap from me, Joanne Badenhorst, a mum of two boys aged 19 and 11. I have supported my husband, Sean aka MrTread, through two Epics that he rode and worked at three. What most don’t realise, is that it is not glamorous being involved in the Epic, on any level, unless you are lucky enough to have a fancy armband or your name on the list at the ABSA VIP marque.
It’s long hours and hard work. But it’s also exciting and rewarding. Somewhat like a rollercoaster. While you are on the ride you swear you will never do this again, but once it stops and you get off, you look back and think “That was fun, I could do that again!”