Well if you haven’t been paying attention, its already February and a month has gone in whats promising to be a big year!
The Munga team are still hard at work at finding a sponsor for the 2015 race, and you will be the first to know once we have wrapped this up. Until then, entries still remain closed, but stay tuned, as there is much you can do. Firstly, our mini Munga rides will kick off in the next month or so. Oakley are still on board and we are in the process of finalising another product sponsor to make these rides even more worth your while.

Also, the Freedom Challenge, a race close to Alex’s heart and one that was key in forming the Munga idea has launched a smaller race, the Race from Rhodes (read ‘from’). This is not the normal race to Rhodes, but rather the second section of the Freedom, a route that crosses a lonely part of the Eastern Cape, starting in Rhodes and ending in Craddock. Alex will be racing this at the end of March as part of his Tour Divide prep. However, to suss out the route, and enjoy 6 days on the bike, he will be guiding a small group from the 4th to the 11th March. Numbers are limited to 8, so if you have grand aspirations and want to learn some key lines or sneaks, book now. Otherwise just join Alex for 6 days of awesome riding.
This is going to be a big year, so don’t leave anything in the bag!
See you out there!
Source: The Munga MTB