Sappi is involved in cycling and trails in several ways through the Sappi Trails Programme. The company’s passion for trails comes not only from their commitment to creating shared value and achieving Sustainable Development Goals but also through many of their staff who are dedicated cyclists, trail runners and conservationists. One of the strongest cyclists in the Sappi team is Frederick Rossouw who competed in the 2023 Cape Epic with his partner Martin Hall. The pair ended up finishing 6th in the Amateur category and 51stoverall. Given how tough the 2023 Epic turned out to be, this was an immensely impressive result.

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Matt Drew from the Sappi Trails Programme sat down with Frederick once his body and mind had recovered sufficiently to ask about his experience.

MD: What makes the Cape Epic special to you?

I love the challenge. Cape Epic is the hardest and best stage race – the fear that needs to be overcome is immense and finishing is something special. It’s a true test of character.

MD: What does it mean to represent Sappi at the Cape Epic and why do you think it’s important?

I only fully understood the importance of this at the end of the event. My belief in myself grew immensely and so too did the belief of my colleagues in my endeavor. This was very special and valuable. Completing the challenge whilst having a very demanding job (GM of Finance), being a dad and committed husband took everything I could muster. When you are that relentless in your focus on a goal, you realise that with the right team you can achieve anything. The planning detail, mental toughness and level of execution has complimented my productivity at work, that’s for sure.

MD: How do you feel about the Sappi Trails Programme and Sappi’s commitment to facilitating the development of safe and enjoyable trail access on your plantations?

I love riding the beautiful trails in our plantations, but the value of the programme became that much more obvious in the lead up to the Cape Epic. Having safe trails on which to train was so important and a huge benefit. The Karkloof trails are so diverse and provide such a great training venue. It was a real competitive advantage in the build up to Cape Epic.

MD: Which was your favourite day on the Cape Epic and why?

Stage 7 (the last day) was the best but also the day which I was most apprehensive about. Stage 6 was an absolute nightmare due to rain and wetness. This was off the back of a wet Stage 5. The elevation gained on Stage 6 was 3200m and it was cold and at altitude the temperature was truly freezing! Stage 7 was a respite. The toughness of the days preceding Stage 7 made it that much sweeter. It was dry and beautiful and the route was just superb. We rode some of the best trails in the Cape and specifically Jonkershoek.

MD: Do you think your colleagues were inspired in ways by what you achieved?

There were so many positive comments which we received on social media in general however the most special were the words of encouragement from the Sappi family. We even received comments of support from fellow colleagues from all over the world including from people like the Sales Manager in Germany. Sappi’s whole trail following, and culture has just grown so much, and I hope our achievement will encourage others to attempt something which challenges them in the same manner.

MD: Is there anything else you would like to add?

I just feel so grateful for the support from Sappi and my family. You go through the journey knowing you can’t let anyone down. It feels amazing to have done it and to have showed others they can also achieve their goals and dreams. Working together as a team is key!

Paid partnership with Sappi