Despite a difficult year, defending champion Johann Rabie is targeting a third consecutive title in...
Despite a difficult year, defending champion Johann Rabie is targeting a third consecutive title in...
Former women’s champion Catherine Williamson has set her sights on the mixed category title at...
The Old Mutual joBerg2c stage race has teamed up with Game On Sports and Travel...
Fortune smiled on Johann Rabie and Gawie Combrinck as they rode safely into...
The racing took a dramatic turn on day eight of the nine-day Old Mutual joBerg2c...
Darren Lill and Waylon Woolcock outsprinted race leaders Gawie Combrinck and Johann Rabie to level...
EAI Cycling’s Johann Rabie and Gawie Combrinck tightened their grip on the Old Mutual joBerg2c...
Former winner Waylon Woolcock and partner Darren Lill fired a warning shot at race leaders...
Race leaders Johann Rabie and Gawie Combrinck stamped their authority on the nine-day Old Mutual...
Waylon Woolcock and Darren Lill came charging back to draw level with overall leaders Johann...